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Your Business Growth

A career highlight, working with Tom Brokaw for Visit Golden.

Joy Meadows

Joy Meadows has 25+ years handling PR for a variety of organizations, from hospitality and healthcare to green building products and consumer events. She’s worked with major national media, like The Today Show, NBC Nightly News and USA Today as well as alongside local reporters, producers and influencers to secure valuable publicity for clients.

Joy prides herself on longstanding client relationships and excels at integrating PR with all aspects of traditional and digital marketing, creating unusual visuals and providing excellent client service.

Joy graduated from the University of Colorado at Boulder. A few of her favorite things? Hanging out on sunny patios with friends. Hiking the foothills and 14-ers with her dog. Skiing blue cruisers and occasional black diamonds. She suffers from a “Colorado superiority complex,” believing the Centennial State is simply the best.

  • Hannah Button

    Hannah is a dynamic team member who is passionate about tourism marketing. With experience from both the DMO client side and a stint as a City Communications Manager, she’s got the inside scoop on what makes destinations tick. You’ll often find her diving into social media strategies, teaming up with influencers, and whipping up eye-catching graphics.

  • Maddie Schaaf

    Spinning reels and crafting copy, Maddie keeps MPR’s social side buzzing. A graduate of the University of Colorado Boulder, Maddie is a history buff who knows her way around a rail yard and keeps the team on track with her helpful attitude and eye for what’s newsworthy.

  • Rich Grant

    Simply put, Rich is a legend in the Denver PR world. He has a virtual PR army of former assistants - like Joy Meadows - whose career he helped launch during his 30+ years as the communications director for Visit Denver. Now, he’s an award winning travel writer and photographer who creates phenomenal content for MPR clients.